Lena Belozertseva 
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Lena Belozertseva 
Вступила 29.09.2010
О пользователе
ОткудаРоссия, Москва
ДР05 Января
About me…
I started drawing from my early childhood. I came from the family of artists and this is why my first toys were paints, paper and modeling clay. I grew up in the colorful world of professional art and dreamed to illustrate fairy-tails and to write my own children’s tales. On graduating from the Academy of Arts I’ve been illustrating about 100 books for children for last 20 years. You can find my works in many different countries. I illustrated books for visually impaired children in the UNESKO program “A book as a present for every blind child’’ for 7 years. I often created design of the books. It’s very well known that children like not only to read books but also to play with them. My target is to create in my books the world where children will feel happy. Illustrations for children is my job and enjoyment at the same time.
Best regards, Lena.

write me an
e-mail elenalinden@mail.ru
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